Legal statement 法律声明
Rules and Lrond website access conditions( 访问LROND网站规则与条件 )
The following rules apply to all users or visitors to this website, and Lrond reserves the right to modify these rules at any time. Access to this website is granted by Lrond in accordance with the following terms. If you do not agree to any of the following terms, please stop using this website. Lrond has the right to take legal and equitable remedies for violations of these rules.
Disclaimer of liability 免责声明
LEGAL STATEMENTThe materials and information contained in this website, including but not limited to text, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages or links, although Lrond strives to provide accurate materials and information on the website, Lrond does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency and reliability of these materials and content, and expressly disclaims responsibility for the errors or omissions of these materials and content, There is also no warranty, express or implied, including but not limited to the ownership guarantee, no infringement of the rights of third parties, quality and no computer virus.Lrond can modify the contents of this website at any time without any notice or prompt. In order to get the latest version of information, please visit this website regularly The non Lrond products or services mentioned by Lrond on this website are only for the purpose of providing relevant information and do not constitute the recognition or recommendation of these products or services Lrond does not make any statement, warranty or approval on any product, service or information provided on the website, and all products and services sold shall be subject to the company's sales contract and terms.
Trademark 商标
All trademarks and logos used and displayed on Lrond website are owned by Lrond, except those marked as owned by other parties. Nothing contained in the Lrond website shall be deemed to confer any license or right to use any of the foregoing trademarks or marks by implication, without objection or otherwise without the written permission of Lrond or any other party. Without prior written permission, no one is allowed to use the name of Lrond and its trademark and mark in any way.
Website Design and Image Copyright 网站代码设计与图像版权
The copyright and images of the code design on the Lrond website belong to Lrond, except for images marked as owned by other parties. Without written permission from Lrond or any other party, the copyright and images on the Lrond website shall not be deemed to imply, grant no objection, or otherwise grant any license or right to use any of the aforementioned website copyrights and images. Without prior written permission, no one is allowed to download or use Lrond's website design copyright and image copyright in any way.
Products or services provided 提供的产品或服务
Due to the international or borderless nature of the Internet, the information provided through this website is also international, so not all the products or services mentioned on this website are provided in your country or region. Please contact your local sales representative or agent to learn about the products or services provided in your country or region.
Third party links 第三方链接
This website may retain links to third-party websites or web sites, and access to these links will be at the user's discretion. Lrond does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency and reliability of any information, data, opinions, pictures, statements or suggestions provided on these links. Lrond provides these links only for convenience, which does not mean Lrond recognition and recommendation of these information, nor for publicity or advertising purposes.
Note explanation 注释说明
In the above article, the subject of Lrond company refers to LROND Group, which has multiple subject companies or equity companies in various regions of China and other countries or regions. The website content and compliance do not refer to any affiliated or named company subject.
以上内容中LROND公司主体指LROND Group,中文译音:励锐德,LROND在中国各地区、及其他国家或地区拥有多家主体公司或参股公司,网站内容及合规性不指向任何关联的、或名称相同的任何一家公司主体。
- LROND legal department 法务部